Sandy’s Soapbox
The Empire of Islam
Having been Jewish long before it was Muslim is a compelling claim regarding the rights to the land—despite the decline in Jewish population.
Which brings us to the Arab claim to the same region.
In The Beginning: Palestine and the Kingdom of Israel
Like many other peoples at the time, Canaanites were polytheistic: they believed in multiple gods or spirits. By 1000 BCE they had adopted belief in one god, and the land they occupied was known as “Judea” or “The Kingdom of Israel”...
EA Origins: I Wasn’t Doing Enough…
For a long time, I felt guilty about not attending public protests - even for causes I cared deeply about. My best intentions often went out the window…
I Have Always Been A Social Activist
But in the words of those incomparable philosophers Monty Python, “I’m not dead, yet!” And as long as that’s true, I will continue to work for justice and
A Tale of Two Kidneys
My first thought was, “I can’t let Micky lose her sister!” I messaged her right away to say, “I’m in!”
From “Black Lives Matter” to “I Denounce Racism”
More important was the fact that “Black Lives Matter” was leading people to argue rather than discuss. And I wanted discussion. I decided I needed an “I statement” …